Wednesday, May 19, 2010

A Modern Aphrodite- A History of the Name

For this blog's name, I was inspired by a Grecian goddess, Aphrodite. Aphrodite is the goddess of love, desire and beauty. In addition to her natural gifts she has a magical girdle that compels anyone she wishes to desire her. There are two accounts of her birth. One says she is the daughter of Zeus and Dione.The other goes back to when Cronus castrated Uranus and tossed his severed genitals into the sea. Aphrodite then arose from the sea foam on a giant scallop and walked to shore in Cyprus. She is the wife of Hephaestus. The myrtle is her tree. The dove, the swan, and the sparrow are her birds. Her favorite lover is the god of war, Ares. She represented sex, affection, and the attraction that binds people together. (Here are a few paintings of how some imagine her to be like.)

As an aspiring fashion designer, I want my designs to have that appeal like Aphrodite; irresistible, beautiful, romantic, and sexy.

To make a close for the title, I ended up with  A Modern Aphrodite. Because I want to put a modern twist to this ancient goddess.

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